About Jo

A collage of 3 images showing Jo Hall, yoga teacher at Flow State Yoga

I bring to my teaching a joyful curiosity and the desire to share insights from my ongoing studies in yoga’s sister science, Ayurveda, as well as contemporary neuroscience, anatomy and yoga philosophy from the Classical Tantrik tradition.

Classical Tantra offers yoga practices — including mantra, awareness cultivation, breathing, visualisation and reverence for the body — within a worldview that is profoundly life-affirming and radically self-responsible.

My own practice sustains my life and love of bushwalking, cycling, trail running and dancing, activities which give rise to the flow state for me.

I aim to support my students to stay healthy, active and connected, doing the things they enjoy, and finding ease and flow in their lives.

My teaching is also informed by my lived experience of chronic muscle pain and two back surgeries. I am filled with wonder at the body’s capacity to heal when supported by the intentional and nourishing practices of yoga.

My study of the art and science of yoga continues with my beloved teachers Clare Raffety,
Doug Keller and Christopher Hareesh Wallis.

I look forward to sharing the practice with you.

I like to live in the sound of water,
In the feel of the mountain air.
A sharp reminder hits me: this world is alive.
It stretches out there shivering towards its own creation and I’m part of it.

William Stafford

I love Jo’s structured approach, the thoughtfulness of her classes and the mix of challenge and familiarity and insight she offers.

Zanna C

Fabulous class, probably the best I’ve been to. Mix of work and soul food, thanks Jo.

Sonj H

Registered Level 1 Yoga Teacher with Yoga Australia.